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600mmx M10 Float Arm (bent)
$35.42 (incl. GST)
38 in stock
These are the longest arms we make, and they are mainly used with our 1 ½” & 2” Full Flow Float Valve bodies in large tanks where the Valve will be above the water.
By having the arm bent down slightly allows the float to better engage with the water thereby providing the required boyancy.
When fitted to a 1 ½” Full flow Float valve, with a 10” float mounted at the end of the arm, they will provide a shut off pressure of ≥1050 Kpa (150 psi.)
When fitted to a 2” Full flow Float valve, with a 10” float mounted at the end of the arm, they will provide a shut off pressure of ≤ 965 Kpa (140 psi.)
All Cocky valve float arms are made from 10mm Ø SS316 rod making them the strongest arms on the market.